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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 7, 2016

Riddle me Retail

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"I hear there's a good promotion going on."   Yesterday at the Lovely Boutique Where I Work I found myself trying to explain why I couldn't give a customer a price adjustment on an item she had bought on promotion, now that we were having 30% off all sale. Her eyes were beginning to glaze over as I tried to make clear the difference between promotion and sale. I realized how much this must have sounded like gobbledygook. None of it is meant to pull the wool over your eyes, but I can see where it's confusing. Herewith a glossary of retail terminology. It all makes sense-- to a point. On Sale . A Martian landing on earth and needing a wardrobe would surely think "on sale" meant you could buy things in this place. No, that would be "for sale". "On sale" means the item has been reduced from a previous price. This is often called "hard-lined", "hard-marked" or "red-lined"  because we once took a red pen, drew ...


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Dress:   H&M   o   Hat:   VINTAGE   o   Wedges :   PRADA   o     Ring:  YES     o   Bag:  DKNY     o   Watch:  GUCCI     o    Nails:   CLICK Sukienka:    H&M   o   Kapelusz:   VINTAGE   o   Koturny :   PRADA   o     Pierścionek:  YES     o   Torba:  DKNY     o   Zegarek:  GUCCI     o    Pazury:   KLIK        ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ DON'T FORGET TO LIKE MY FANPAGE  HERE NIE ZAPOMNIJ POLAJKOWAĆ MOJEGO FANPAGE'A  TUTAJ Do zobaczenia wkótce na   Pandamone ! See you soon on  Pandamone ! ____________________ M

Everyday Silver Wear

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I come from a generation when fashion was simple. Matte cottons for summer and winter wools for daytime styles while shiny fabrics were ALWAYS reserved for night time occasions. A while back, I did a post on sparkling fashions where the focus was placed on red carpet dresses. The fact is  metallic fabrics have become.....the new "black" in everyday style. This post is not so much a tutorial as it is an exercise in styling. I've kept the text to a minimum as I tell this in photos. My inspiration came from a Mango (fashion) poster I saw in the Paris metro. Since this is fast fashion with easy elements, I thought putting together this article would be a piece of cake. On the contrary! I had to really figure out what makes this look work without the usual glamming it up. This is a story where fashion is the sum of its parts...where a handful of separates are combined into a bevy of contemporary, super sharp looks that can...

Everyday Birthday Thoughts

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I may need a few boxes...   While I joyfully celebrate what looks like trying to burn the house down (should all those candles actually be on the cake), I'm also aware of the implications of time passing. Here's a trick I use every year (and have used for years)— I tell myself I'd rather be a young old person than an old young person. If that isn't obvious let me explain: nothing is so futile as trying to hold onto what isn't there. Unless you are well-practiced at deception, you are not even fooling yourself. Clinging to what's behind you is negative and paralyzing. It surprised me to learn that legendary beauty Elizabeth Taylor wasn't bothered by aging. That's apparent in candid photos taken over the years by a good friend, Firooz Zahedi in the new book "My Elizabeth". What concerned her most was her health, and she had some cause to worry. I loved Elizabeth even more when I read that.   You can do this with three Oscars   On the other h...

#WiMHearHerStory with Taryn West, Vice President at K.R. West Company

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Taryn West, Vice President at K.R. West Company #WiMHearHerStory / @WomeninMfg At Women in Manufacturing, we are committed to supporting women in the manufacturing sector. We firmly believe that mentorship and community-building will help attract and retain women in manufacturing.  As part of our mission, we feature on our blog the stories of women we admire who are currently working in manufacturing.  The following is the latest installment of our "Hear Her Story" series. Please tell our readers a little bit about your job and what your work looks like every day. Being in a small family business, my day is influenced by the company’s current needs. My job currently consists of hydraulic power unit documentation. This means I quote/design power units, process orders, build bill of materials, create schematics, track parts for assembly and when required create drawings. I also do some marketing and am responsible for our web presence. I started in bookkeeping and ...


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Jacket    DENNY ROSE   o   Jeans:   ZARA   o   Heels:   VERSACE VERSUS   o     Ring:  YES     o   Bag:  MICHAEL KORS     o    Nails:   CLICK     Żakiet:    DENNY ROSE   o   Spodnie:   ZARA   o   Szpilki:   VERSACE VERSUS   o     Pierścionek:  YES     o   Torba:  MICHAEL KORS     o    Pazury:   KLIK        Jako, że lato nas w tym roku nie rozpieszcza, postanowiłam stworzyć look z kolorem, który nas trochę rozgrzeje. To, że czerwony jest kolorem gorącym i pełnym erotyzmu wie chyba każdy, nie każdy wie jednak, że odcieni czerwieni jest bardzo wiele i nie każdy pasuje do naszego typu urody. Ja postawiłam na zdecydowaną czerwień, lekko wpadającą w odcienie burgundu, która nie jest aż tak...