WiM Director Allison Grealis Featured in Mfg.Net Q&A

We filled you in and posted about Manufacturing.net reporter Bridget Bergin’s take on our 4th Annual WiM Summit, “The Skills Gap and Why We Need a Modern Rosie”.

But, with women in manufacturing becoming a nationwide conversation- there’s always more to learn!

After  her experience at our Summit, Bergin circled back with our own Allison Grealis to dig deeper. In a Q&A, they talked about the “under-representation of women, why this under-representation occurs, and what companies can do to balance out their workforce.”

Says Grealis, “At WiM, we know that modern manufacturing offers clean, high-tech, and lucrative opportunities well suited for men and women workers. And our research is an important step toward knowing what stereotypes and stigmas are keeping women away and what strategies might help the sector appeal to women workers.”

As we know, continuing to talk about successful women in the manufacturing field is one of the most powerful tools in recruiting more women to the sector.

Thanks to Bridget for this awesome Q&A!

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