WiM Mentioned in an AP Story about Manufacturers Seeking Women Workers

WiM was mentioned in a new AP article on manufacturers' efforts to recruit women employees.

The article says, "Some companies in need of welders, machinists and other skilled workers are now targeting women, who account for nearly half of the U.S. workforce but hold less than a third of the nation’s 12.2 million manufacturing jobs, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics."

Pointing to a report by the National Women's Law Center, the article notes that "women’s share of manufacturing jobs peaked in the early 1990s, and remained mostly unchanged until the recession."

One reason for this problem?  The writer points to another piece of research: "A ... survey done for Women in Manufacturing, a nonprofit industry group, found that women ages 17 to 24 tended to see the industry as male-dominated and dull."

Read the full article to see how companies like Harley-Davidson and others are working to fight stereotypes that keep young women away.

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